Thursday, December 14, 2017

History of computer

1--- Abacus is First mechanical calculating device.  This is inventor  by China at 16th century.  This is used for addition and sibtraction operation.
2--- Pascaline first mechanical adding machine. and the term carry was introduced  in this period.  This is inventor by Blaise Pascal in 1642. This is perform addition and subtraction of two numabers.
3--- Analytical Engine is first general purpose computer. This is inventor by Charles Babbage in 1834-71.
To program the machine, it used two punchcard.  Generally used for basic arithmetic  operations.
4---MARK-I is inventor by Howard Aiken in1944.
Data can be entered manually.
Magnetic drums are used for storage.
5--- ENIAC is inventor by JP Eckert and JW Mauchly in 1950.
First electronic digital computer.
It is a combination of twenty accumlators.
Used for weather prediction calculation and other scientific uses.
6--- EDSAC is inventor by John Von Neumann in 1946-52.
It was first computer  which provided storage  capacity.  First computer  program  was run on machine.
7--- UNIVAC is inventor by Eckert and JW Mauchly in 1951.
This is first general-purpose electronic  computer  with large amount of input output. & Used magnetic tapes as input and output.
8--- IBM-650 computer is inventor by IBM Company in 1954.
this is provided input/outpuy units converting alphabetical and special characters to two-digit decimal code.


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